Grandpa and Me a portrait in acrylics


'My namesake and me'

A portrait of me with my Grandfather.

This painting is based on one of my most cherished photos, it's a portrait of me and my grandfather. 
The moment was captured by my father about 30 years ago, and it evokes nostalgic feelings. I didn't know my grandfather, he died shortly after this photo but I remember sneaking into my parent's room and secretly looking through the big drawer with the photographs when I was a kid. I always paused at this photo, I was in awe at my interaction with him, amazed at his patient composure even though I'm being a bit of a brat!

Painting by dina kalo of herself as a child with her grandfather
'My namesaked and me', by Dina Kalo
acrylics on stretched canvas, 40 cm X 50 cm.

In the original photo, my sisters are sitting next to my grandfather, but I decided to omit them in this painting -sorry siss- to keep the focus on the interaction between me and my grandfather.

Do you have an old photo that evokes strong feeling?
Please feel free to share it with me in the comments!

This October, when I first re-discovered this photo, I made a quick digital study, using the mouse to test the potential of this photo to be turned into a painting. I was rather satisfied, so I promised myself I would also make an acrylic painting of it!

Here's what I came up with at the time (on the right). It's strange how the two mediums created a completely different atmosphere!

Digital sketch by Dina Kalo in preparation for the acrylic painting above. (10-2016)

Here's a video timelapse of that process: 

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